viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Don Bosco University
Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”
Teacher: Eunice Menjivar
Topic: It’s my birthday party.
Objective: SWAT ask and answer the question “How old are you?”
Target Skill: Listening / speaking
Warm up. Students will pass a toy around while some music is played. When the music stops the students holding the toy will answer a question from the previous lesson.
Aim: review last lesson.
Materials : Toy
Type of learner: K
Interaction: T-S
“HOW MANY LETTER DO YOU SEE?”using pictures with different amount of letters, students will learn the numbers from 0-15.
Aim: learn the numbers from 0-15.
Materials: pictures
Type of learner: V
Interaction: T-S
Roleplay made by the teacher. A roleplay will be presented asking and answering the question: How old are you?.
Aim: show students the question; How old are you?
Type of learner: Verbal.
Interaction: T-S
A track will be played. The track includes a natural conversation in which two children ask each other’s age.
Aim: show students a natural way of asking How old are you?
Type of learner: A
Interaction: T-S

15 MIN
Students will get in couples to discuss and practice the question “How old are you?
Äim: Practice asking and answering the question “How old are you?”.
Type of learner: A,V.
15 MIN
Using the “Hot toy” dynamic, some students will be chosen to ask and answer a classmate “how old are you?.
Aim: Have students asking and answering the question “How old are you?’ in  a natural manner.
Material: Toy
Type of learner: A, V.
Interaction> T-S, S-S.

1 comentario:

  1. I think this is only one of the two lesson plans you were asked to do. Where is the second one? Unfortunately you were not in the classroom for the feed back session when we pointed out some elements that perhaps you didn't take into account when planning this lesson, like students' age. This planning seems more appropriate for adults than for children because some activities are very serious! Besides, the planning framework is not clear at all, are you using PDP or PPP?
