sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Child Development 

A case of study

This case of study is based on Jean Piaget's  findings on the development stages in children. It is worth to highlight that his original job was to translate English Intelligence tests to French. However, he became intrigued with the children's answers because he believed their asnwers revealed important aspects of children development. Moreover, throughout his career he developed new scientific studies such as the Cognitive Theory  and Developmental Phychology.

In my case of study I will prove Jean Piaget's Preoperational stage by implementing two activities.
In the Preoperational stage, children cannot use logic, combine or separate ideas. Moreover, the child's developement is based on building experiences about the world through adaptation and working towards the stage in which they can use logical thought.

Child's Profile
Name: Sandra Pineda
Age: 6 
Favorite Colors: Silver and Blue


To prove Jean Piaget's Pre-Operational  stage in which children cannot use logic but they guide themselves through perception.

Activity One

In this activity I showed Sandra two sets of five crayons each, on a white page. I asked her how many crayons she could see in both pages, she inmediately said 5 in each. Then I made a slight change on the way I had arranged the crayons. Then I asked the same question and she provided a different answer. She said there were 4 crayons on one page and 5 on the other one.

Activity Two

In this activity I used 'glitter tubes' and two white pages. First I placed 3 tubes on my page and 2 tubes on hers. I asked Sandra If that was a fair distribution and she inmediately said 'No'. Then, I placed a crayon on her side. I asked the same question again and she said that was a fair distribution. However, she noticed that the objects were indeed different even if we both the same number of elements on our pages.

As as conclusion, I must say that at the beggining I did not think this would be such an interesting and enlightening case of study. I must also say that these two activities proved Jean Piaget's Pre-operational stage because Sandra guided herseld through adaptation and perception. More importantly, It is necessary for teachers to include this in our lessons, to make sure we give the best to  our 'little ones'. 

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